Gal d 1 corresponds to the ovomucoid of the Gallus domesticus (Chicken). It is the major glycoprotein proteinase inhibitor from avian egg white such as chicken, turkey, and golden pheasant. This allergen constitutes 11% of the total protein content of egg white, and it has been found in hard- and soft-boiled egg white in immunologically recognizable form. It has a pI of 4.0 and is a trypsin inhibitor. Epitopes are dependent on either the tertiary structure of the protein (conformational epitope) and the plain protein surface (linear epitope). It contains three different domains. It seems that the major epitopes on each domain primarily have a linear structure, and the IgG and IgE binding activities are more dominant to the third domain.
Recombinant allergen for the diagnosis of Gallus domesticus (Chicken egg).
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Bact to list of Recombinant allergens for allergies
How to reconsitute lyophizated vials