Allergy to wheat (Triticum aestivum) is an allergy caused by eating foods that contain wheat or by inhaling wheat flour. It is one of the most common allergic reactions in children, which usually disappears with age. Among children with atopic dermatitis with food allergies, between 35-40% react allergic to wheat. Wheat allergy is rare in adults. These usually present immediate allergic reactions, and it is almost always permanent. The prevalence of wheat allergy in children is estimated to be around 0.4% and in adults 0.21%. Wheat allergy differs from celiac disease, since in these cases it causes a different type of abnormal reaction of the immune system, and it only occurs with gluten, a specific protein found in different cereals, not just wheat. Depending on the route of exposure, the symptoms are different. It can cause food allergy, causing hives, asthma, allergic rhinitis, digestive problems and exacerbation of atopic dermatitis. Rhinitis and occupational asthma (or baker's asthma) occurs by inhaling wheat flour, and is estimated to affect up to 10-15% of bakers, millers, and confectionery factory workers. Wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis (WDEIA) is a rare condition, occurring primarily in adults. Wheat ingestion combined with exercise triggers an anaphylactic reaction, and therefore can be fatal. As prevention it is recommended to avoid wheat, carefully reading food labels, as it is found in many foods.
At Rekom Biotech, we desing and manufacture IVD reagents for diagnosis of Wheat allergy. If you do not find what you are looking for, you can request our custom-made recombinant proteins service. Do not hesitate to contact us!
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