Ara h 2 is a type of seed storage protein that belongs to the 2S albumin family. It is derived from the Arachis hypogaea plant, commonly known as peanuts. This protein is a major allergen that causes a reaction in more than 90% of people who are allergic to peanuts. There are two different versions of the protein, called isoforms, known as Ara h 2.01 and Ara h 2.02. Ara h 2.02 is slightly larger, weighing 19 kDa, due to an additional IgE binding epitope. It also has a higher reactivity to IgE and is a more potent cross-linker compared to Ara h 2.01. Therefore, the Ara h 2.02 isoform may be a more effective diagnostic tool for peanut allergy. The protein Ara h 2, also known as conglutinin-7, is found exclusively in seeds and is not present in leaves, roots, or pegs.
Recombinant allergen for the diagnosis of Arachis hypogaea (Peanut).
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Bact to list of Recombinant allergens for allergies
How to reconsitute lyophizated vials