African swine fever (ASF) is a disease caused by a virus of the Asfaviridae family. It is a highly contagious disease of pigs and wild boars, whose mortality can reach 100%. It does not affect humans, but has devastating effects on the agricultural sector. The African swine fever virus (ASFV) is transmitted by direct contact with infected animals, by indirect contact in the ingestion of infected animals and by vectors like ticks. The virus is highly resistant to the environment, and can survive on clothing, shoes, etc., even in products such as sausages or ham, so humans can also spread the disease if adequate measures are not taken. The symptoms of the most virulent strains are high fevers in the first days. Later, other signs develop such as moderate anorexia, lethargy, recumbent weakness and erythema. Cyanotic spots, abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea, hemorrhages on the skin and internal organs, dyspnea, vomiting, nasal or conjunctival secretions, neurological signs and abortions may also appear. Within a few days, the infected animals go into a coma and die. Less virulent strains cause the same symptoms, but in less severity, with a lower mortality rate in adult pigs, but not in young ones. Low virulence strains can lead to chronic disease. Prevention consists of early detection and sacrifice of sick animals, controlling the proper disposal of waste, deep cleaning and disinfection, compartmentalizing the animals and controlling their movements. Diagnosis is generally made by ELISA, PCR or isolation from blood, lymph nodes, spleen or serum.
African swine fever has become one of the biggest crises in the pork industry. Initially the disease was detected in Africa, but year after year it has spread to the rest of the continents, currently being present worldwide.
Animal infectious disease (mainly pigs and wild boars)
At Rekom Biotech, we desing and manufacture IVD reagents for diagnosis of African swine fever (ASF). If you do not find what you are looking for, you can request our custom-made recombinant proteins/antibodies service. Do not hesitate to contact us!