Allergies caused by Domestic animals and Indoor

Allergy to animals is due to proteins found in the secretions of their sebaceous and salivary glands, and in their urine, as well as animal dander. Sometimes, the cause of the allergy to the animal is due to other factors associated with it or its environment, such as the presence of ticks, fleas and other insects that parasitize it. Any animal can cause an allergy, but the most common is that mammals produce it. Allergies to dogs and cats are the most frequent, but animals such as horses, rodents, rabbits and ferrets can also cause allergies. There are rare cases of allergy to amphibians and reptiles. Allergy to birds is not common.

Allergy to mites is caused by the droppings of these arachnids or by the particles their body disintegrates into when they die. Mites are microscopic arthropods that do not sting, bite, or parasitize. More than 40,000 species of mites have been described, although those that cause allergies belong to the order Astigmata, and of these, only 3 superfamilies: Pyroglyphoidea, Acaroidea and Glycyphagoidea. These mites are located preferably in homes and warehouses. Species that invade homes are called dust mites and those found in warehouses are called storage mites. However, this type of mite can also be found inside homes, in areas where dry and/or protein-rich foods are stored.

Rekom Biotech offers a wide range of recombinant allergens for in vitro diagnosis of a wide variety of allergies caused by domestic animals and indoor. Take a look at our portfolio and don't hesitate to contact us! We will be happy to help you.
